Has it happened yet?
Yes, It was on july the 6th.
No action on the website/forum fix, one presumes. How nice and courteous it would be if this forum were used by club officials to communicate with members …
I see the dreaded adverts are back. Is it because I am trying out a Google CromeBook or are they universal?
Whilst I share your frustration with online adverts in general, I can't say I've ever noticed any when I log on to the DTCA website. It may be because I've invested in an Adblock subscription which deals with ads across all websites for little or no expense.
I will also add that, as I write, I'm using a Chromebook and have no doubt that it is no more or less affected by ads than any other means of accessing the website. I've been perfectly happy with my Chromebook (an Acer CB314 series machine) and find it as easy as any notebook or laptop as I'm using Android rather than Windows as an operating system.
The fact that so many committee members are absent from this platform has been bemoaned before and I feel that lack has coloured the views expressed at the AGM by Michael Driver. I quote:
" I am not sure how long the interest in Dinky Toys outside the DTCA will continue as collecting habits and what is collected has changed over the last few years.
Perhaps there will be a new interest in the later Dinky Toys with their features and of course there are the space models given the current interest in space exploration. Only time will tell."
Now, I know that many of the subscribers here are also active on the Facebook 'Dinky Toy Collectors Group' which has grown very rapidly to a 16,000 membership. If ten percent of those were also members of the DTCA then it would be a healthy, thriving organisation but it proves the point that there IS a wide interest in Dinky Toys from both sexes in the less rarefied atmosphere of Facebook.
Let's have some action from the officers to try and encourage DTCA membership among the wider audience.
I of course completely agree with these comments. Though -- not to be a killjoy -- the 16,000 membership of that Facebook Group is deceptive since there are only several dozen (at most) "members" who regularly post useful, knowledgeable content. Still, even one percent of that Group would be a substantial boost to the DTCA.
Apropos of Michael Driver's comment above, there is also another Facebook group called "90 Years of Dinky" where the "members" are much more receptive to later models with their features, plus the space models and even Chinese replicas. This too would be a good place to publicize the DTCA.
Of course, until we again have a fully functioning website, all bets are off.
On the matter of the number of members actually contributing to that group, or ours indeed, it's always like that, with a solid core of contributors. We're blessed with the likes of yourself, the two Jans, Terry, Jacques, et al, who know their onions and write well on their subjects. I have no expertise whatsoever in the matter of Dinkys but enjoy responding to others where possible.
Alas, despite undoubted expertise represented by our officers there seems to be not much being contributed by way of scholarly articles other than by Jan W .
I have just tried to post a photo but it still does not work.
If the forum does not work by the end of this year, I will not renew my membership. Why spend some money for only the Journal. The AGMs are not what they used to be, no more conferences or special events, very few attendants, nothing planed for the 90th anniversary etc...
For me this club is dead and I regret it.
Jacques, I completely agree with you. I sent a message to Al Keeling the day before yesterday asking him to keep us informed about the status of the improvement of the website. I have not received a message back yet. I am afraid that the board is just letting things slide and not doing anything about it, otherwise we should have noticed something by now. There is no movement at all. This irritates me and many other members who are fed up with this weak approach. We have been waiting patiently for improvement for 2 years, but my patience is also running out. This is no fun anymore. If there is no improvement to be expected or if the board does not want to do anything about it, please let them know, so that everyone can make a good decision about whether or not to renew their membership. And the improvement really has to be in effect before the end of the year. I am letting my membership slide and waiting to see if anything really happens, otherwise it is over.
If a working revamped website actually appeared by the end of the year, I might consider renewing my membership, but otherwise definitely not. We overseas members who depend on the forum have been pleading for a fix for more than a year and a half, and the board members will not respond to our concerns.
The claim in the latest Journal that "the Forum is alive and kicking" was an egregious insult. Perhaps the editor expected it to be fixed by the time the issue went to press?
Gentlemen, you have put into words what I have been thinking. Even the Journal relies heavily on the forum and since Jan O., Jan W., Terry H., and numerous others are also on the Facebook Dinky Toy Collectors Group it has largely supplanted this forum.
I have enjoyed being a fellow member here but it is wearing a little thin.
I'll take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hope for a better New Year.
Whilst I share the frustration of other DTCA members over the problems with the Forum, I have decided that I WILL be renewing my membership shortly. I must also admit that I have not contributed a great deal to the forum, even less to the Journal, but I have managed to attend most of the AGMs since joining several years ago, as well as participating in several displays at Gaydon, Stoneleigh and Newark along with other members, and represented DTCA at many other hobby shows and venues around the country individually. I look forward to the arrival of each Journal, and would miss it if the association were to fold. Hopefully, enough of us will remain to see the survival of what has become a "friend".
Hello Jan, I'm sorry but I didn't receive your email, so hopefully it will be okay if I pick up your comments here.
While I'm still working on a replacement website, unfortunately I haven't been able to prioritise because of my urgent real work commitments. Hopefully I can get the project over the line before we step into the new year.
Last year there was some technical ultimatum requiring a replacement - an ultimatum that has since been wound back.
However, this current website is working as well as it ever did (it was always a bit ragged), barring that I've had to ask members to use other image hosts if they want to post pictures, and the comment notification has been damaged. I see some members appear to be struggling with using picture hosts - basic services that pervade the internet - and I'm not sure what to say about that except to suggest try again Jacques.
Comments that the site is "unusable", "broken", "not working" I feel are considerable overstatements. And as for drawing comparisons to Facebook, JP .... honestly, this forum will never be Facebook, nor will Facebook ever be a forum.
To my great surprise, the upload of photos does work in the frame of the personal messages of the DTCA website. I have sent 2 messages with 2 photos to a DTCA member and the 4 photos have also been received. If this tool could be moved to the forum, we could send photos in the forum again. I find sending photos in the forum more important and functional than via a personal message to a DTCA member via the DTCA website. Personal messages with photos can always be sent via each own email, if desired. I am sending my message as a reply to Al Keeling and hope that Al reads this and wants to respond to it. If this works, we will soon be able to send photos in the forum again.
In any case, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Dear Al,
I wouldn't dream of making a comparison with Facebook. What I did was state that there is a Facebook alternative, which happens to be very widely used.
What Facebook doesn't have, of course, is the considerable reference material that we have here.
That notwithstanding, Facebook offers simple photo uploading, easier interaction and free membership.
Best wishes
In response to Al's comments above -- firstly, I totally sympathize with Al in terms of struggling with work commitments. I don't understand why the board continues to place this work totally on his shoulders instead of investing in some assistance.
I also agree with Al that Facebook is in no way a forum, but is rather mostly a means of wasting time (I should know). The leading Facebook group devoted to Dinky Toys likes to boast of its more than 16,000 members, but really only has about a dozen individuals who are really knowledgeable about Dinky. Even then, the content contributed consists almost entirely of pretty pictures -- pleasant, but offering no more than one would find in the Dinky Toys Encyclopedia or an auction catalogue.
However, I do defend comments by myself and others that the DTCA website is "broken" and "not working." As I have said in a previous comment here, using external hosts for images is not an acceptable solution, at least not for any serious content. These external hosts come and go, and some require their users either to have paid accounts or to not exceed a specific bandwidth. The result over the years or even just months is "page rot," wherein the externally hosted images disappear. One can see this in various forums all around the Internet.
I completely agree with Jonathan. Uploading photos should simply be in the program itself, as it used to be. Absolutely not with external programs. Then new members will not know how it works. Al talks about that too easily and the board thinks it can be done that way. That does not help us at all. That idea must absolutely be discarded. It is now absolutely nothing more than a regular text program. And the notification is still annoyingly broken. In that respect, the website is indeed broken. Someone who would now become a member of the DTCA will be in for a very unpleasant surprise regarding the possibility of communicating with photos. With all due respect for Al's work, but if Al cannot solve this himself due to his own workload, he should get help if possible or transfer the work to someone who does have time for it. The delay has lasted long enough. We need to get down to business with regard to the approach to matters and setting deadlines. We as members have shown enough patience for that. Improvements must now be noticeable to save the website and with it the continued existence of the dtca. Impossible promises are of no use to us. And mind you, DTCA without a properly functioning forum is dead.
Trailer Caravans
Trailer Caravans
Trailer Caravans
—37c Dispatch rider (37-40)
Membership renewal
Membership renewal
Membership renewal
Christmas 2024
2024 AGM
Christmas 2024
Christmas 2024
Christmas 2024
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
2024 AGM
Dinky 582/982 Pullmore - Dark Blue Cab/Dark Blue Body
DTCAwebsite upgrade 2023
--33 Mechanical Horse and Five Assorted Trailers
2024 AGM
186 Mercedes 220 SE
186 Mercedes 220 SE
--14a and 400 B.E.V. Electric Truck (1948-60)
--33 Mechanical Horse and Five Assorted Trailers
--25m and 410 Bedford End Tipper (1948-63)
--25m and 410 Bedford End Tipper (1948-63)
Trailer Caravans
Austin Van 470
Meccano Liverpool pricelist French F.A.S. Tarif Exportation 1957
2024 AGM
2024 AGM