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Dinky Toys books

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--40h and 254 Austin FX3 Taxi (1952-59)

1 month 1 week ago

--40h and 254 Austin FX3 Taxi (1952-59)

1 month 3 weeks ago

-066 Bedford Flat Truck (1957-60)

1 month 3 weeks ago

-066 Bedford Flat Truck (1957-60)

1 month 3 weeks ago

--40h and 254 Austin FX3 Taxi (1952-59)

1 month 3 weeks ago

--40h and 254 Austin FX3 Taxi (1952-59)

1 month 3 weeks ago

--40h and 254 Austin FX3 Taxi (1952-59)

1 month 3 weeks ago

--40h and 254 Austin FX3 Taxi (1952-59)

1 month 3 weeks ago

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1 month 3 weeks ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

1 month 3 weeks ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

1 month 3 weeks ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

1 month 3 weeks ago

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1 month 3 weeks ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

1 month 3 weeks ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

1 month 3 weeks ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

1 month 3 weeks ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

1 month 3 weeks ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

1 month 3 weeks ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

1 month 3 weeks ago

--30p and 440 Studebaker Petrol Tanker 'Mobilgas' (1952-61)

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DTCAwebsite upgrade 2023

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  • Total Visitors: 2026756
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  • Since: 09/04/2024 - 19:40
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New arrivals (cont...)

johnnyangel's picture

Four more arrivals on this beautiful day! Not so surprising in this case since they all came from the same seller.

I had always wanted the Chrysler Saratoga, and I do have a strong preference for the one with blue trim, but so many samples seem to have small chips on the extremeties. This Saratoga, in contrast, is like new.

johnnyangel's picture

This model arrived today and ought to be the last I obtain, at least for a good while. But what a fine "last" it is!


Jan Oldenhuis's picture
Jan Oldenhuis
DTCA MemberNetherlands


Congratulations on your new very nice additions. I love the dioramas you use. The models then come out very nice and make them some nostalgic. Personally, I love your dioramas of the Foden tanker Mobilgas very much with the nostalgic service station Mobilgas and petrol pumps with Mobilgas decals.

Indeed, it is a very lovely model of which I have also a factory error with reversed transfers and one with grey tires and red filler caps.

Jan O.

janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

Very pleasant to see your new arrivals in their natural surroundings, some even parked on their giant boxes!

My Saratoga is an oldie, a present dating from 1962, with some chipping indeed. In order to avoid confusion with my brother's properties I wrote my initials in pencil on the box end. 

Congratulations and kind regards, Jan W

johnnyangel's picture

Thank you for the kind comments, gentlemen. I too am glad that the nice sunny day prompted me to assemble the dioramas (such as they are) quickly. The Dinky Toys look so much nicer in natural light!

I wish that I could spend more time creating dioramas and layouts for my Dinky Toys; it would be so fulfilling. Sadly my models are so crammed into my displays that the risk of damage as I take them in and out with my clumsy old paws is too great!


janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

Some new models arrived recently. The Euclid is my fourth variant, this later one with the inverted front wheels and plastic grip on the handle. The Bedford Articulated Lorry in its blue striped box with Hudson Dobson sticker has the intermediate number 921 and the no. 693 Howitzer replaces an unboxed example. The Euclid and the Howitzer share the later herringbone heavy duty tyres. Kind regards, Jan 

johnnyangel's picture

Pretty new models, Jan. Meanwhile here is something interesting for those of us who are fascinated by the re-use of Dinky tooling, or copies of Dinky Toys, as the case may be.


I had always wondered why Dinky France produced its drab model of a drab car, the Russian #1410 Moskvitch. I even wondered if the model had been paid for by the Russians to promote their industry.


Perhaps, perhaps not, but there is no question of a great resemblance between the Dinky and a Moskvitch created later by Novoexport in Russia. I first learned of the Russian version via a blog post by Vincent Espinasse  who calls it “rare and difficult to find,” so when I found an affordable sample of what appeared to be the “right” Moskvitch, I did not hesitate to buy it.


I say “right” Moskvitch because Novoexport created many other Moskvitch models which are definitely unlike the Dinky. This particular one, however, raises many questions. Obviously it has been modified at the front and rear to reflect a “facelift” version of the real car, but it is exactly the same size as the Dinky. The opening bonnets share the exact same fragile mechanism, and when I switched them between cars, they were a perfect fit. When I disassembled the cars by unscrewing their plastic baseplates, the interior fittings could be interchanged.


However, the window “glass” is subtly different in places, and the engine detail is also different on the Russian toy.


As my photo clearly shows, the baseplates are different. But interestingly, the baseplate on the Russian version that VE shared is different yet again, either taken from the Dinky tooling or more closely copied. It even has the square hole that Meccano France had included for attaching a trailer.


If anyone has more information on all this, I would be interested to hear it.


johnnyangel's picture

Some more new models arrived to bring cheer in these troubled times. I'm not sure I will keep the poor Hudson in my collection, but maybe it will be a placeholder.

As for the others, the Mercedes C-111 is another Joal, either a Dinky copy or from Dinky tooling. The Corvair is exceptional because it is old store stock from Illinois, with the 1963 price written on the box, and comes from the same shop as the "Gilbert" display I acquired a few months ago. The box is incredibly crisp and new.

The Peugeot 403 is unexpectedly interesting too, as I noticed after taking the photographs. This model has its original rivets on the base and there is really no question of it having been repainted, but under the few chips and wear points on the paint -- which seems thicker than normal --  it can be seen that the first coat was yellow. I have a French Dinky Buick Roadmaster that has also been overpainted in this manner, and again, the first coat was that same yellow.


dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

Hello Jonathan,

Nice lot, the best model is probably the very rare Peugeot with windows and concave steel wheels.


johnnyangel's picture

Two more arrivals to pierce the gloom! The Beetle has various inexplicable scratches, plus a headlight jewel that has delaminated, but still I am happy because it's an uncommon item. Meantime the other is of course not quite a Dinky -- I picture it with its Dinky box and then as marketed by Pilen.


dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

Hello Johnny,

This VW is the first one that I see with plastic wheels and an unpainted base. Has it been striped ? There seems to be some black and blue on the front bumper. Can you please show us the base ?

The baseplate and bumpers should be glossy black. If it is original, this is a very rare late model. Congratulations.

The Sirocco is also rare specially MIB like yours. Re-congratulations.


johnnyangel's picture

Jacques, thank you as always for your comments. Where did you find the picture that you show of the Deutsche Bundespost beetle with the plastic wheels? It looks just like the one I have.

The baseplate and bumpers are unpainted. As you know, this is different from the late PTT Beetle, which has a black painted base.

Since the base on this model is screwed, not riveted, it did occur to me that this could be a forgery that someone created using the Dinky Beetle Action Kit as a base. Of course, I prefer to believe that it is genuine late production. Certainly, it does not seem logical for anybody to create a forgery and then disfigure it with scratches!

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance


The photo is your's but I felt sorry about this one eyed VW so I removed the headlight repositioned and duplicated it. Alll this and mending the paint scratch takes a little bit of time but is not difficult.

I doubt very much that your model is original. The baseplate has probably been swaped from a late # 129 which did have those wheels and which was not painted.

johnnyangel's picture

Jacques -- I thought you might have "mended" my Beetle but I wasn't sure. Why do you think it is not original? Because the Budespost Beetle was deleted before those wheels made their debut?

In any case I am not worried, since I will keep and enjoy it. I have given up selling anything since I have no patience for eBay sales.

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance


I an not sure but I think that those wheels were available during the production period of the Bundespost VW.

The transfer is a repro, there is some orange colour in it that is not on the originals, also you can see through the windscreen that there is too much yellow paint inside. Meccano never painted the insides, the paint is very expansive. One should be able to see small spots of yellow paint but not a complete coat.

An other thing which atracted my attention but which is not a proof, the general look of the paint coat which somehow does not match the Dinky one. This is just a feeling.

janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

Here it is, Jacques, my thirteenth Fire Engine with Extending Ladder (+ some extraswink)

The crown on my Fire Engines collection.

Kind regards, Jan 

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

Dear Jan,

Congratulations for your 13 th. Commer fire engine but you have not finished the hunt for red engine. To complete the collection, you must now find the rarest ones which were packed in yellow and even the scarcest gold Visi-Pac.

Good luck Jan

janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

Jacques, I must admit you're completely correct. I did not manage to obtain a Visi-pac-packed version in all those 40 years of collecting - yet. If anyone can help me, you're welcome. In the mean time: the crown is there already and I am incredibly happy with it! I'm now in the process of preparing two mini-displays for this and the 39 set boxes. I closed the open backsides, used some red velvet for the display bases and the glass ordered has arrived already. Unfortunately two small shelves of books had to give way. A snapshot below. Kind regards, Jan 

johnnyangel's picture

Several more arrivals today: A Motorway Services Van with the last type front, and a Mercedes C-111 ...

johnnyangel's picture

... and now that I have several more C-111s, I decided to take apart both a Dinky and a Joal sample to make further comparisions. The Joal is either made from modified Dinky tooling, or it is merely the most faithful copy of a Dinky ever made by another manufacturer.

I could not disassemble the Dinky completely because the plastic interior is riveted in place, but still thought this comparison might be interesting.



dinkyfan's picture

Jonathan---Very interesting and so nice of you to dissemble those two to compare.....nicely done!

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance


Dear Johnny

Thank you for showing us these pictures which answear the question of : "has the Joal C  111 been cast in the same mould as the Dinky Toys one ?"

The details 1 and 2 and the marking 3 could not have been removed

Joal had not yet learned how to cast models without ejector marks which Meccano and Solido knew how to do.

There was no aparent reason to move the spigot 6.

The angles on the Dinky are much sharper than on the Joal. Joal could have made them sharper than the Dinky but not the oposite.

On both models the gaps between the doors and the body is quite ugly.

Mercedes certainly provided the same body drawings to both manufacturers, this is why both models are so close to each other.

Anyway this is an interesting discussion and I am going to copy this post into the proper thread for the c 111 ref. 224.

Townie54's picture
DTCA Member

For a car with an elegant wind cheating shape, and modelled widely in France, Germany, Italy and elsewhere in 1/43, sadly the Dinky rendition reflects the low standard post 1964 prevailing, being clunky and unattractive. A toy indeed. Congratulations however on your investigations!

johnnyangel's picture

Jacques, thank you for your meticulous work with the photos. Despite the obvious differences in the tooling, I am still puzzled by the great resemblance between these models! Both the Dinky and the Joal are indeed "clunky and unattractive," though to be fair it is worth noting that Mercedes refined the shape of the C-111, and I think most toy manufacturers based their models on the later iterations. Here are a couple of photos of the version modelled by Dinky and Joal.

An oddity with the Joal is that it is marked on its baseplate as being 1/43 scale. In fact, the Joal model is the same 101mm in length as the Dinky. Since the full-size car was 4230mm long, it is easy even with my limited math skills to see that both models are 1/42nd scale. (The Dinky Encyclopaedia listed them as 1:44 in my copy, an obvious misprint.)

I do not know what other models by Joal were 1:42 scale at this time, but clearly the Dinky influence was blatant


dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

Hi Johnny,

Thank you for the misprint, it has been corrected.

I make the scale at 1/41,5 but I do not know how to correct the English scale of 17/64" into 1/4?. There might be a slight difference. How much is 17/64" exactly ?

Unfortunately the Joal web site is no longer on line. and we can not know which other models cars they made.

This and several discussion would be better placed in their respective thtreads.

johnnyangel's picture

Jacques, I am not sure I understand the question, but then I did warn that I am not the most numerate person around! I would only compare 1/4 and 17/64 via division, e.g. the former is .25 and the latter is .265 -- so not quite the same.

Regarding Joal, I could not find out much more, other than that they went into receivership in 2015, and had been in latter years associated just with diecast construction vehicles, usually 1:50th scale.

However, according to this book by Andrew Ralston, they started manufacturing cars around 1968, using tooling obtained from Tekno. He writes that their range of cars was still in production in 1979. All samples seem pretty rare, at least judging by my eBay searches.

Here is a list I located of their model cars. Posted with apologies for getting so far off the topic of DINKY TOYS!

100 Jaguar E-Type Roadster - 1968
101 Simca 1000 - 1968
102 Renault R8 - 1968
103 Seat (Fiat) 850 Coupé - 1968
104 Renault R10 - 1968
105 Alfa Romeo Canguro - 1968
106 Seat (Fiat) 124 - 1968
107 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL - 1969
108 Chevrolet Monza - 1970
109 Mercedes-Benz 230 SL Hardtop - 1971
110 Mercedes-Benz 230 SL Roadster - 1971
111 Porsche Carrera 6 - 1972
112 Alfa Romeo Giulia SS - 1972
113 Chaparral 2 F - 1973
114 Ferrari 250 Le Mans - 1973
115 Iso Rivolta - 1973
116 Ferrari 612 Can-am - 1974
117 Mercedes-Benz C 111 - 1974
118 Adams Probe 16 - 1974
119 Ferrari 512 S - 1974
120 Twin Mill - 1974
121 Porsche 917K - 1974
122 McLaren M 80 - 1974
123 Seat (Fiat) 132 - 1975
124 Mercedes-Benz 350 SL - 1975
125 Lamborghini Miura - 1975
126 Citroën SM - 1975
127 Citroën CX Pallas - 1977
128 Chrysler 150 - 1977
129 Ford Fiesta - 1978
150 Iso Rivolta & Caravan - 1975
151 Mercedes-Benz 230 SL & Trailer - 1975
152 Citroën CX Pallas & Trailer - 1977
153 Citroën SM & Ford Fiesta & Trailer - 1978
155 Chrysler 150 & Ferrari F1 & Trailer - 1978

johnnyangel's picture

Bringing the subject back to DINKY where it belongs, here are two arrivals from today. I'll miss opening up parcels with Dinkys inside, but with the current emergency affecting both my savings and precious postal resources, for once I don't have any more models on the way!



By the by, I am pleased to note that Jacques has taken the necessary precaution to protect himself from infection whilst on the forum. Is that Lady Penelope or Austin Atlantic pink Jacques?

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance


Richard's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

Hi everybody. 

I remember you that this topic is made to receive one photo of your last acquisition. 


In two years , where will you go to  find informations on the Mercedes C111 ? On the "New Arrivals " topic ? Probably not !!

Please, transfer all the discussions in their  right topics. 

Many thanks.


