Jan--Very nice additions/replacements for your collection. That box of Estate Cars looks so nice!
Best regards, Terry
Great additions Jan!
I love your quality of photographing also.
I don't usually collect aeroplanes, but I rather like Dinky's Beechcraft Baron and Beechcraft Bonanza, so I was pleased to buy this pair recently.
Your Ever Ready Guy is indeed still very presentable. I like it when old toys show a little "history" with signs of (relatively) careful use (as opposed to being mistreated and totally wrecked which was sadly the case with my childhood toys).
My Ever Ready Guy has plenty of minor battle scars, but is still ready for business as the picture below demonstrates.
Both of them very desirable Dinky Toys, Jonathan.
The Spratt's is not that easy to find in good condition. You must be able to see the manually red painted area below the text, as discussed in the relevant thread before.
A similar yellow glaziers lorry, Miroitier Simca 'Cargo', should be on its way to me now, but that one lacking the top decals, meant as it was for the Anglo Saxon export markets. Congratulations, Jan
Thanks, Jan! Yes, the hand-painted nature of the red strip is very clear. As for the Miroitier, yes, I have the version lacking the top decals -- which I believe only came in yellow? -- as well as the more typical gray one. It is interesting that even in export markets such as the U.S., the one without decals is relatively hard to find. I did not have one or even know of it until a few years ago.
Very nice Jan How many variations of the Simca Cargo miroitier have you ? There are a lot .
Hello Richard! This one is the third variation I have. The others are the older regular grey and yellow ones, as shown at
I thought this example of the 'blank' export variation was cheap and interesting enough to add. I guess I will never accumulate as many as you have shown us! KInd regards, Jan
I have read that 42 Cargos are needed to have all the versions.
At last! It took slightly over 20 years to complete this famous Panhard Movic trio, with the arrival, yesterday, of the scarce (first, French, version) Panhard 'Kodak' articulated covered lorry (1953-1954).
Panhard 'Esso' tanker September 2001, Panhard 'S.N.C.F.' artic October 2014 and this 'Kodak' April 2022.
All of them have their variants, of course, but these suffice and make me happy enough! Kind regards, Jan
Jan--Congratulations on completing that wonderful little set of French Panhard artics. As you may well remember, the Kodak version is on of my all-time favorite Dinky Toys.....such a striking color and livery. I bought mine a little earlier....64 years ago in San Diego.
Best regards, Terry
Just in case some one is interested, there is a good sale tis saturday at Collectoys. This sale includes the plastick mock-up of an un issued Paris double deck bus, a blue pre production Renault Floride etc...
Alas, my Dinky Toy collecting is winding down. At last and finally, no more room to display models. But here are additions from the last few weeks ...
The rare Mexican armored car is not as nice as one I already owned, but it is a favorite of mine, and I could not resist a good price.
Now, off to try cleaning my camera sensor to try to remove the damned spots (sigh) ...
Jonathan, congratulations on your wonderful additions. All beautiful models in a very nice condition. Each model has its own peculiarity. I'm sure you'll find new space again.
Kind regards, Jan Oldenhuis.
Thank you, Jan! I do have one model on my want list (the 288 Superior Cadillac "Falck" ambulance, preferably the black-and-white version) but failing that, I may really be done. My Dinky Toys and displays all live in one small room, and I see no point in adding models I cannot display.
I did obtain the rotating display seen in the middle of this picture this week. Even though it is faded and battered, it will help expose some models that are currently hidden ...
Do we have a resident South African assembled Dinky expert? I have some queries.
Please PM me if you can assist.
Dave 146
I can say that the SA models have little value, but I would be happy to send you funds for postage so you could send them to me and get rid of this useless clutter!
Seriously, with your treasure trove you have many more of these SA models than most of us. The expert on these is Clive Unsworth with his various published articles, and if you have the Dinky Toys Encyclopedia then you have a copy of one of the articles as well as pretty complete documentation.
I wait with eagerness the others photos.
This is the biggest collection I’ve purchased, the 19 South African Dinky’s in this lot are in the top left hand column and the second column from the left. The mid blue Ford Fairlane is in the bottom right. Apologies for the non Dinky items!
All are pretty much factory fresh. Let me know if there’s anything in particular would like to see in close up.
Wow Dave what an impressive very beautiful and cool collection you have acquired. That must have come from a serious passionate collector. Congratulations on that. The South African Dinky's are of course very special. I would really appreciate seeing that collection in a photo.
Kind regards, Jan Oldenhuis.
Not a simple 'New Arrival'. A Dinky tsunami that is! Wonderful, fantastic, congratulations!
Thank you for sharing these pictures with us. Kind regards, Jan
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