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—37c Dispatch rider (37-40)

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2024 AGM

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2024 AGM

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2024 AGM

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2024 AGM

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2024 AGM

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2024 AGM

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2024 AGM

2 months 2 weeks ago

Dinky 582/982 Pullmore - Dark Blue Cab/Dark Blue Body

2 months 2 weeks ago

DTCAwebsite upgrade 2023

2 months 2 weeks ago

--33 Mechanical Horse and Five Assorted Trailers

2 months 2 weeks ago

2024 AGM

2 months 2 weeks ago

186 Mercedes 220 SE

2 months 4 weeks ago

186 Mercedes 220 SE

2 months 4 weeks ago

--14a and 400 B.E.V. Electric Truck (1948-60)

2 months 4 weeks ago

--33 Mechanical Horse and Five Assorted Trailers

2 months 4 weeks ago

--25m and 410 Bedford End Tipper (1948-63)

3 months 3 days ago

--25m and 410 Bedford End Tipper (1948-63)

3 months 6 days ago

Trailer Caravans

4 months 6 hours ago

Austin Van 470

4 months 3 days ago

Meccano Liverpool pricelist French F.A.S. Tarif Exportation 1957

4 months 1 week ago

2024 AGM

4 months 2 weeks ago

2024 AGM

4 months 2 weeks ago


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  • Since: 01/31/2025 - 01:07
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New arrivals (cont...)

dinkyfan's picture

Very well done.....I believe the yellow was a later version....have seen photos of some with white treaded tires. So nice & congrats on the find!
Best regards,

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance


As the 2020 AGM planed for this week-end in Derby has been canceled, Richard and I held one in France. There was much discussions and a lot of photographing. New variations which we knew but which were not published have been documented. The day was too short to complete the agenda but we will have more meetings this year. Unfortunately there were only two of us, we wish more French collectors would join.

janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

Glad to see you, youngsters, in the 'New Arrivals' thread! Obviously you had a pleasant and tasteful meeting, with the smallest possible number of attendees. Hopefully we can meet in greater numbers next year! Kind regards, Jan  

Richard's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

For sure, we both are not two new arrivals !!smileylaugh

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance


I have learnt that My Time Media the publisher of the magazine Model Collector has stoped to publish this magazine. I have just had a long talk with the publisher who regrets that the compagny refuses to make any announcement about this matter.

This is probably a sign that our world of model cars is going slowly.

Townie54's picture
DTCA Member

Yes I received my copy of Diecast Collector yesterday saying that they have taken over MC and merged/extended my subscriptions into one. As I’ve followed MC since buying the first issue on Victoria Station in the 1990s I am disappointed; DC may be more older Diecast orientated possibly, and both have moved on a bit to attract new younger collectors with newer interests, but I found them complementary. I understand Lindsey the editor was bound by confidentiality agreement until the letter yesterday, and is editing Model Boats now!

janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

That's tragic news indeed! I hope and trust that my subsciption to MC will automatically be transferred to DC and that by this fusion one firm and viable diecast model magazine will survive and remain for a long time. I hope Lindsey and her colleagues will find a decent and suitable continuation of their jobs. Kind regards, Jan 

johnnyangel's picture

I'm very sorry to hear the news about Model Collector. As far as I'm concerned it was always superior to DC, especially when it came to articles on Dinky Toys and other "obsolete" diecasts. Furthermore Lindsey had been one of the best editors I know in terms of creating a "sense of place" in the publication and in responding to reader letters -- I don't say that just because letters from me were published once or twice in the last few years.

Our hobby of model cars is no doubt dwindling -- most collectors in their peak earning years want to collect toys from their childhood, which now likely means a boom in old video games -- but I am sure the coronavirus impact on advertisers such as show organisers and auction houses was the major factor. I wish Lindsey luck in playing with boats!


Dinkinius's picture
AustraliaDTCA Member

It is a worry for me with the previous Posts concerning MODEL COLLECTOR magazine that the current website does not continue the topic under which these posts exist. It is in fact NEW ARRIVALS, but when one looks at each page the top clearly states:

Home > Forums > Other Topics > General Information and Posts

The heading does not include that the reader is actually on the NEW ARRIVALS Topic. I wondered why the following message stated about getting back onto the subject, but on doing a little clicking, I discovered that tthose comments are correct.

Of course, the best course of action would have been to create a new topic under the "General Information and Posts" with the Topic being The Demise of Model Collector Magazine or words to that effect, which is what I intend doing immediately, as I was unaware of what was happening as the link for subscribers to the magazine no longer works, and fortunately, I came to learn the terrible news which I now find unbelievable, as I have received no word from the company handling subscriptions that MC no longer exists.

I will be copying each of the above Posts and including them in the new topic. It was only through sheer luck that I actually opened this topic "New Arrivals" as it covered one interest of mine, and out of curiosity I scrolled backwards and then saw the comments about MODEL COLLECTOR.

Cheers to you all, and especially to those faithfully monitoring the website and fixing anything that crops up electronoically!

Bruce (150)


Richard's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

To come back to the object of this topic, here is my new bedford artic, the number 9, It is a type 2  with a curious box ! 

Is it the previous owner or the dealer in his shop who changed the refence when Meccano did it !!? I think that the handwriting is so painstaking that it can't be done by a young fellow ! The box itself is perfect and there is no reason to hide the reference number on the three sides ! Has somebody an another suggestion ?

Kind regards


Jan Oldenhuis's picture
Jan Oldenhuis
DTCA MemberNetherlands

Hello Richard. The model number on the box cannot be other than 521. After the green box came the blue box, before the blue / white striped 921-521 box appeared with the first Dinky Toys base. Your model with black mudguards, ridged hubs with large herringbone tyres on the trailer and without reinforcement on the fuel tank is an early one and must have a Dinky Supertoys base. A 921/521 must have a Dinky Toys base.

At Bedford Artics it is always difficult to determine whether a model and box are the right combination. I think this model with the green box with number 521 instead of 921 is the right combination.

Kind regards, Jan O


Richard's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

Hello Jan.

You are completely right.

 But why somebody changed it ? mystery!

Here under a photo of the top with the curious handwriting.

Kind regards


janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

A nice little present from a former colleague of mine arrived today: the Dutch 1960 Dinky Toys catalogue. Although it's far from rare, and slightly worn, I show it here for those who may be interested in the retailer provenance, as indicated by the stamp(s) on the rear cover. Kind regards, Jan 

johnnyangel's picture

I recently obtained this prototype Dinky packaging. I've seen another one like it somewhere (one of the Richardson books?) so clearly it was being seriously contemplated for a while. But, the flap advertising the features would have been hidden when the boxes were stacked as intended, so it's no wonder they decided this would have been a pointless expense.

It's also interesting to see that they were contemplating importing or producing at Binns Road a French model with its original sales number. The base would have had to be been modified at the very least to fit into one of the crystal boxes.


Townie54's picture
DTCA Member

That’s an exciting discovery. Whilst others makes were utilising cast off Dinky (and Corgi) moulds eg Auto Pilen & Metosul its good to see Dinky under whoever's ownership was trying to spread coverage of its own. I was surprised to see AP Corvette and Oldsmobile ex Corgi recently. Dinky Cougar were perhaps a sad departure. As a young collector I was excited by the importation of French models although Dad had go to be implored to take me to London to find them, leaving him a princely £2 2s 10d poorer for 6 models.

Townie54's picture
DTCA Member

The Ferrari base would presumably be easily amended as for the Ford GT when with new bonnet and boot it reappeared as the 40RV in a crystal box.

janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

Two new arrivals yesterday. The black Austin Taxi with its spun hubs is in fact too 'new' for me, but it's undeniably far more realistic than the earlier bright yellow and green/yellow issues. So, I'm very happy with it.

The other is my fourth Coles Mobile Crane. I bought it for the box really, because this whole item was even cheaper than a reproduction box. The model inside turned out to be much better than expected, so I will not sell it but just keep it too. The loose quality control label also present. Now I can make a nice comparison between two different ways of internal packaging, in order to keep the moving model in place! I will post them in the respective topics in due time. Kind regards, Jan  

DTCA Member

Hello and good morning, this is my first time trying to get involved with discussion, but am finding it dificult to understand how to contribute. 

It is good to be able to find like minded collectors who enjoy research as I do. Have been on other forums were one ia able to chat with other members, is this possible on this forum to instigate the headings. For example  Hello this is my first time how do I use it, a brief introduction of members would be nice, what do the collectors specilise in, can'nt beleive all collect all. I enjoy the trade boxes, but are expanding into the 60's now.

Live in the North West of England and am hoping not alone.


janwerner's picture
DTCA MemberNetherlands

Hello DavidT, welcome to the forum. Any chat is possible here. You might read the instructions about how to use the forum (on top), or ask any questions there about how to use it. Contributions may be posted in various forms. Everything is possible, texts, pictures, questions, chatting. Always try to use the best suitable topic for your contributions, or create a new one at the best possible place.

Sometimes it is a bit disappointing that so few members seem to actively contribute or are interested, or have questions. But let not this restrain you from starting chats, posting pictures, texts etc. I have always been hoping that more enthusiasts will join in (in vain?).

You might look at my example of how you could introduce yourself, your collection and interests:

I am still hoping that some more DTCA members will follow sad

Kind regards, Jan 

dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

Hello DavidT, welcome to the forum, the more members, the better. I think that this is the only forum on which the members do some research. Together we have learnt a lot about Dinky Toys but there are still very many un answered questions. So your participation will be most welcomed. Please let us know a bit more about you and the scope of your collection.

Kind Regards

The guy on the left of the photo above.

johnnyangel's picture

Welcome, David -- it is delightful to have you onboard. As Jan writes, it is a shame that relatively few DTCA members seem to participate online, but to echo what Jacques has said, those who do are enthusiastic and well-informed. (This is as opposed to Facebook and other online communities dealing with diecasts -- those too have their place but the contributors are more variable in their knowledge of DInky Toys.)

As for your present company, we hail from the UK, the USA (several of us in California, myself included), France, the Netherlands, and ... apologies to any country I have left out. We are all different: some interested in airplanes, boats, military, etc., others only in road vehicles; some prefer to ignore models after 1960 or the introduction of plastic; some (speaking of myself here) are interested in every DInky Toy, and are even fascinated by the chaos of the final years; some seek to collect every conceivable variation of a particular model, and some do not ...

In short, there is no "right" way to collect or contribute, only to feel the love when one sees the special words "Dinky Toys."


Richard's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

Welcome to you DavidT.

Waiting to see your models.


PS :

Is somebody abble to put this discussion in the right topic ?  "new arrivals"  topic is made for the new Dinky in our collections and not for the new members in our club ! 

Dinkinius's picture
AustraliaDTCA Member

Greetings all who have responded recently, about the recent Post departing from the Topic NEW ARRIVALS.

Obviously no one has read my Post #1390 above, so I am repeating it here at the foot of this Post.

I have not been contributing lately for various reasons, but every Post I have made until recently, included the subject. The fact we are having this conversation on this Topic is obvious that the lack of a title causes confusion. 

Has anyone read my new topic MODEL COLLECTOR MAGAZINE - ITS DEMISE? I know the numbers that have taken the time to read that page, but as of today, nobody has made a comment.  Has the Webmaster changed things as I distinctly remember the subject under discussion appears on the pages and moreso when one is replying. I just went into the 622 10-Ton Army Truck Topic and I find this no longer applies. (I also see where advertising funds must acrue for the benefit of the Association judging on the number of inappropriate advertisements that are appearing throughout the matter being discussed. My older Posts now also contain advertisement pictures within the words now as to every other Post. I guess this helps cover the cost of maintaining the website.but it would be nice if these necessary "evils" are positioned in a less intrusive place.

Finally David T, welcome to the Association - as you can guess with the flag next to me I am an Aussie and very proud to be here and not elsewhere at present!

Kind regards to you all

Bruce   (150)


Sun, 07/12/2020 - 11:22                                                                   (Reply to #1389)

Dinkinius's picture



AustraliaDTCA Member

Joined: Tue, 07/07/2015 - 13:38


It is a worry for me with the previous Posts concerning MODEL COLLECTOR magazine that the current website does not continue the topic under which these posts exist. It is in fact NEW ARRIVALS, but when one looks at each page the top clearly states:

Home > Forums > Other Topics > General Information and Posts

The heading does not include that the reader is actually on the NEW ARRIVALS Topic. I wondered why the following message stated about getting back onto the subject, but on doing a little clicking, I discovered that tthose comments are correct.

Of course, the best course of action would have been to create a new topic under the "General Information and Posts" with the Topic being The Demise of Model Collector Magazine or words to that effect, which is what I intend doing immediately, as I was unaware of what was happening as the link for subscribers to the magazine no longer works, and fortunately, I came to learn the terrible news which I now find unbelievable, as I have received no word from the company handling subscriptions that MC no longer exists.

I will be copying each of the above Posts and including them in the new topic. It was only through sheer luck that I actually opened this topic "New Arrivals" as it covered one interest of mine, and out of curiosity I scrolled backwards and then saw the comments about MODEL COLLECTOR.

Cheers to you all, and especially to those faithfully monitoring the website and fixing anything that crops up electronoically!

Bruce (150)



dinkyfan's picture

Bruce—-I completely agree with you, and it would seem that could be corrected without too much trouble. I had seen the post on the demise of Model Collector, but didn’t comment as I’ve never subscribed to it, but I know it was a very good publication, with many, many great Dinky Toys articles, so it’s loss is very sad, particularly the way it was handled.
Best regards, Terry

DTCA Member

Have just looked at my emails and  found some responses to my post. To give you an idea of my collection focus, basically anything that came out of the Meccano factory, have a lot of Meccano, Hornby Dublo, Hornby 'O' gauge and also the Dinkys. Enjoy all the ephemera of all products, of which must reference the dinky catalgue and pamphlet list referred to on this site, am many missing especially the overseas items ie not UK issued.

Just bought some lots that contained dinkys from a few auctions, and also another twenty empty trade boxes as well as about 100 extremley good conditioned trade box era dinkys.

Have about 370 trade boxes 60% full, not all different many of the same number, have 7of the 25h Fire Engine trade boxes with examples of each type used. Have been recently trying establish how many rade boxes that I have no example of, about 50 in the post war period but a few more if each type of box is included in the list.

Even buy crushed boxes enjoy puting a bit of new live into the boxes by rebuillding them.

I do enjoy adding to my Prewar  boxes and model collection, everything is appreciated.

Also Collect Ogden's cigarette cards, so appreciate all the comments about condition, but I enjoy having an example, as budget prevents buying perfection all the time. Also enjoy improving my collection.

When I manage to work out how to add photo's etc, will add and contribute, but cannot see how to add a new topic of my choice at the moment.

If any of you watch eBay on the Dinky list, have just paid for the prewar service station and two other items won last night. If I was bidding against you sorry.



Hi David

Your collecting habits sound a lot like mine, just on a much bigger scale. I too like all the products of the Meccano factory although I have a rough cutoff point of 1965. I have 'O' and 'OO' gauge railway items but again limited to clockwork in 'O' gauge, and 3-rail in 'OO' gauge. The thing I don't collect is Meccano itself. 

I recently obtained my first trade box, for the 29f/280 Observation Coach, and am intending to restore a complete boxful from my generally battered examples to go in it. I'm trying to imgine how many Dinkys you must have if your boxes are even 60% full. :-o

I hope you'll be showing us some of your choicer examples. The adding of photos is a bit daunting at first but you'll get the hang of it. Just remember that the photo file mustn't be too big. 

I'm happy to see you posting and look forward to more.


DTCA Member

Didnt mention the list of the Trade boxes with references on, been checking mine making sure there are no differences.

Who compiled the list, would like to thank them for making a task I was going to commence much easier.


DTCA Member

Looks like will not be inviting you round for a drink then, this weekend.


dinkycollect's picture
DTCA MemberFrance

David T

Which tradeboxes list are you talking about ?


Hi Jacques

I think David may be referring to the pdf that can be found below.

